How to use WPLMS as blogging platform only?

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  • #126132
    Hello, I have been playing around with this app for about 1 week. I have don't my best to solve many how-to myself :) ..I hope you don't mind assisting me with the remaining questions. I am working on a project which someday might implement all functionality wplms has. Currently the project are in early stage and focus to multi-author blog only. So, my questions:
    1. We plan to focus on blogging, buddypress and event calendar. I want to temporarily disable all course functionality, what plugin should I deactivate.

    2. Related to course/lms functionality, do we have to give Instructor access to wp-admin? 3. I would suggest to add donation functionality for course author and blog author. Similar to donation feature for plugin/theme author at

    3. We will disable login by username and allow login by email instead. Can you tell me how to change the "username or email" label on login screen to just "email"? Including the one on the ajax modal.

    4. Which image is used for custom logo on the login screeo?

    5. The custom default Avatar for BP produces an extremely large image when I hover over profile menu on admin bar from within admin dashboard (wp-admin). This doesn't happen on the front-end. (this is a bug report, not a question)

    6. Which practice is preferable to change Student and Instructor Role name? Translation or renaming the role using plugin such as AAM plugin?

    7. We want to remove "dashboard, course and stats" menus from the login modal and also the "dashboard" Nav from BP profile. Other than using CSS, can you tell me how to accomplish that?

    best regards

    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, 1) If you are not using the LMS feature of wplms, then you can deactivate the woocommerce plugin, wplms front end plugin, wplms dashboard plugin, wplms assignment plugin. The vibe course module plugin is only for the courses but this plugin cannot be deactivated, as its a required plugin and its forcefully activated. However you can ignore this as it will not put any extra load on the website because the courses will not be used in your website. Also please go to wp-admin->settings->buddypress->pages, and remove the course page, this is the all courses page and if you do not need it then remove this page from there. 2) No, its not necessary. You can restrict the instructor access of the wp-admin area from the wplms->buddypress->wp-admin area access. You can use the wplms front end course creator for creating courses from the front end. For this you'll need the wplms front end plugin activated. 3) You can use the third party plugins for this feature. 4) You can change any text in wplms by using the loco translate plugin, please refer this tutorial for translation: 5) Do you mean the wp-login.php screen ? If yes then its the website logo which is used. You can change it from the wplms->header->upload logo. 6) Thanks for reporting this bug here. 7) Translation is also an option but you'll have to translate it everywhere in the website, other than this you can also use the third party plugins for this purpose. 8) For the logged in menu, you can go to wp-admin->lms->settings->logged in menu, add or remove the items from there and save it. For the profile menu right now there is no setting, but you can use the php code for this, bellow is an example of removing the tabs from profile menu. add_action('bp_setup_nav','bp_remove_menu_tabs_from_user_profile',999); function bp_remove_menu_tabs_from_user_profile() {   if(!bp_is_my_profile()){     bp_core_remove_nav_item('dashboard');     bp_core_remove_nav_item('course');     bp_core_remove_nav_item('forums');     bp_core_remove_nav_item('settings');     bp_core_remove_nav_item('activity');     bp_core_remove_nav_item('groups');     bp_core_remove_nav_item('messages');     bp_core_remove_nav_item('notifications');     bp_core_remove_nav_item('friends');   } }   You can add the php code in your wplms-customizer.php file present in your wplms customizer plugin. Let me know if this helps.
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