if the student didn't pass the quiz (didn't reach the passing score), it shouldn

Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries Setup issues if the student didn't pass the quiz (didn't reach the passing score), it shouldn


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  • #79961
    if the student didn't pass the quiz (didn't reach the passing score), it shouldn't be calculated in the course progress, How to do achieve it.    
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well basically student have completed the quiz(no matter if she pass or fais) ,hence the course progress is triggered . Previously there was no passing score feature in wplms .We added it later . Also when the user retakes the quiz the course progress is decremented again .
    If the Passing Score is enabled and Students fails the quiz , it should not be calculated as Progress . The progress should be calculated only if the student Passes the quiz
    H.K. Latiyan
    Right now its not available in wplms. We cannot byepass this as of now.
    I want to byepaas the same once student fails , Please share some code
    H.K. Latiyan
    As already mentioned by Alex this is not available in wplms. Unfortunately there is no code for this.  
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