In a batch select course in a graphical mode, buy and assign students

Home Forums WPLMS AddOns WPLMS Batches In a batch select course in a graphical mode, buy and assign students

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  • #129708
    Hi, I found a problem in a Batch. For example If I am an administrator batch (human resource responsible) If I want select course for my batch, I want navegate from all courses, view options, and in course page select this course for my batch. By the moment I have to go to menu: manage, batch an then I select in a text box the courses to my batch. The principal problem is, If I have for example Excel, Excel 1, Excel for beginners, Excel 2 Excel 1.1, best Excel, excel etc... When I select in a Box it is really confusing for Admin Batch. Maybe the best option is only for admins and moderators must exist a button like Wishlist in each course that indicate "add to batch". For people who don't have a admin batch or moderator batch this option must be off. When admin bacth add the course to a batch the admin bacth must buy the course and seats that need and then the admin batch can assign the course to people who send and invitation and enrroll directly. Do you have any ideas? or how to solve this with batch plugin?   Thanks,              
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, The issue you are referring to is a usability issue. You should set the course name accordingly so that its easy for you to search the course while connecting to the batch. You just need to go to manage->batch, and then search for course names and connect them to the batch one by one.
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