Instructor profile forwards to Homepage

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  • #17670
    Clicking on the name of the course instructor on the course page forwards to the Homepage instead of showing her profile. What should be done? Thanks
    Anshuman Sahu
    Check if the extended profile account settings and activity streams are enabled from wp-admin -> settings -> buddypress -> components . Try resaving the permalinks to postname and deactivating third party plugins .
    Hello Alex, Thanks for answer. In the Buddypress: 1. extended profile account settings + activity streams been deactivated then activated again; 2. permalinks been resaved; 3. third party plugins been re-actevated and checked one-by-one then re-actevated. Nothing helped. What should be done? Thanks
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please share admin credentials and site url to check this issue at your end . PS : mark reply as private while sharing the credentials .
    Hello Alex, Thanks for help. The install is the WP Multisite install. We've installed the plugin for BP which was supposed to solve the Multisite BuddyPress issue - the BP Multi network - but it didn't help. The members profiles should (ideally) show separate profiles for each site. One site is on Hebrew, other on English. In case, it's too complicated to separate profile pages for each site, we will create different profiles within each site for the same users. Site URL: admin: idmap password: <span style="color: #000000; font-family: arial, sans, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 13px; white-space: pre-wrap;">rmnc2PBRgt9F</span> Additional question would be: If we add separate domain name for the English language site through domain mapping plugin - will this affect site links or the BuddyPress? Thanks in advance for help, Marina
    Anshuman Sahu
    You can try activating the Bp multi network plugin .This creates a different social bp network for each site in the multisite whilst the user base remain shared across the site . Note : Please try this on a separate(test) mutisite install becoz it can crash your existing site and it tends make changes in database . 
    Whilst activated, the BP multi network plugin didn't make any change - meaning clicking on user profile still brought to the home page, and also caused terrible redirects on the site bringing multiple session time-out errors on each page load. What can be done? Thanks
    Pls do not do anything. The issue is resolved. Thanks
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please refer : I guess it is working fine at both of your sites now . Please also refer this tutorial to setup multisite with wplms :
    Yes thanks. We allowed BP mutisite in wp-config and installed special plugin
    Anshuman Sahu
    Okay can we close this topic now if this issue  is resolved?
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