Instructor's courses not showing up in their dashboard

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  • #58228
    I have a strange issue. We have 2 instructors on the site, and there are 2 courses, one currently running which started Jul 11th, and one that begins in October. They are both identical courses but the course starts 4 times a year and we wanted to keep each group and forum and communication among the students independent of each course. So under COURSES the JUL & OCT courses show both instructors which is what it should be, (1_BothInstructors) but only the future OCT course shows up in both of the instructors dashboards as a course they are instructing (2_instructorDashboard). And even though OCT shows up as a course they are instructing, their course counter is ZERO (3_NoCounterOrCourses) and the system does not see any courses tied to the instructors. I have read through as many post that I could find that are related, I have turned on EDIT POST in their user role and I still can't figure out how to solve the issue. Neither instructor is able to evaluate or mark quizzes or assignments as they can't get to them. Thanks .. PeterD
    Anshuman Sahu
    unable to replicate the issue at our test site can you please provide : 1. login credentials of both instructors . 2. site url 3. Admin credentials . Please mark reply as private while sharing above .

    Alex wrote: unable to replicate the issue at our test site can you please provide : 1. login credentials of both instructors . 2. site url 3. Admin credentials .


    Hi Alex, the website is and the logins are...

    Instructors: RaeLynn - u: raelynnr p: 123raerae123 (RaeLynn also has admin access) Stacy - u: stacyh p: 123stacstac123

    Admin: u: vlhhc p: !123P3t3rD123!

    The instructors are also the clients / owners of the site.

    The content of the course is still a work in progress so we are only staying a unit or two ahead of the students as we release a new unit each Monday morning over the next 26 weeks, the next one being July 18th. Even though there will be multiple courses running they are all exactly the same content. The reason for this is the course starts each quarter and runs 26 weeks and they don't want forums and groups to overlap as the students in each course will be at a different UNIT within the course because of the different start dates.

    The client is working on getting more info to me today and tomorrow so I can continue to fill in the units, quizzes and assignments. Hopefully they get caught up in the next few week.

    Also after reading a few things on the forums I went in to USERS in WP, I opened RaeLynn's account and went to CAPABILITIES. Although EDIT POSTS was checked, I unchecked it and saved then rechecked it and saved and then I logged in as RaeLynn, opened the course, went to her dashboard and clicked on edit course and then just re-saved the course, and it may just be coincidence but she can now see the course under COURSES > INSTRUCTING COURSES from her dashboard. But from her dashboard the course counter is still zero and INSTRUCTING MODULES and STUDENT STATS has no info and is not tied to any courses.

    Thanks for your help .. peterD

    Hi Alex, I notice another quirky thing, this is just an addition to my first reply, but if I run any reports from the stats tab in the JUL 2016 course the only data that exports is the student name, so for some reason no other data is being stored.. peterD
    Anshuman Sahu
    Dashboard widget showing "No courses found" issue : Okay i checked your site and found this to be an issue in wplms dashboard plugin . Note that Co-author plugin is used to add more than one instructor in wplms . We are just fecthing the posts by a simple wordpress query and are not including the Co-authors updated value of the posts count of that user . So this is an issue as of now will be fixed in the next update of wplms . for the intructing courses issue : I guess that may appeared due to different user roles assigned to the user . and it may have overwrite the capabilities of a instructor . Stats issue : Please note that the stats are generated for the students who have finished the course . also you have to calculate the stats first in course admin in order to get the updated stats of the course . refer : Also make sure that you check all the labels before downloading stats . refer  :
    Hi Again Alex, it seems that various counters are going crazy and showing marks in the millions. Also folks that have completed Week 1 Quiz for instance have moved into week 2 UNITS, some of the when they go to do Week 2 Quiz are presented with Week 2 Quiz but at the top of the page it shows as Week 2 Quiz. Any ideas, thanks .. PeterD
    Anshuman Sahu
    this is strange we have distinguished the expiry and user marks in user_meta and quiz meta resp . But it still showing the expiry value of the user instead of the marks there . Can you please confimr if you have imported some data in your site using lms -> settings -> import export ? Please also share your url of the course in which issue is appearing  and admin credentials in a private reply to check this further at your end .
    I have not imported any data, the course was put in manually and the students all came in on their own. The only thing that I have done is used a CLONE feature that allows me to quickly duplicate posts and pages. So once I set the parameters for a UNIT for instance, I can simply clone it, change out the title and content and publish it. It's much quicker especially with the amount of UNITs and Quizzes and Assignments we will have. There are 26 units and quizzes and also 3-5 assignments per UNIT. The course that is giving us an issue is ... If you wish to create a member account and then sign up for the course, you can just go directly to  and then to get the JULY course for free use the Discount Code just use ''freebie'' The credentials are ... instructors: RaeLynn - u: raelynnr p: 321raerae321 (RaeLynn also has admin access) Stacy - u: stacyh p: 123stacstac123 Admin: u: vlhhc p: !123P3t3rD123!
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well we debugged into this issue and found this too be a bug . It appears when you have drip feed enabled and users just see the quiz But do not attempt it . We set a post meta(timestamp) for the user drip feed access in each of the unit and quiz when user access (sees) a unit/quiz . this timestamp is in the fomat 1468xxxxxxx .Also the user marks are also saved in the quiz meta . So when user just sees the quiz and do not attempt it then there are no marks set for the user in the quiz and system considers this timestamp in postmeta  for the user as marks and the issue appears . We are revamping the quiz section in the next update in which this Bug will also be resolved . thanks for reporting this to us .
    Anshuman Sahu
    I would like to add to this: It seems like it is a related to issue mention. note: performing test with 2 courses. 1) Instructor not seeing all courses in dashboard, only "1". 2)  Course notification reads "0" when showing  course below "viewing 1 of 1". Also: Using p3 layout... unsure of other layouts using Chrome browser 3) Tabs - My Courses, Results, Instructing Courses (unsure of STATS) seems to have padding and margin issues.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Judging from all your issues .It seems like that your wplms theme and all its plugins are not updated to the latest version . Please make sure that your theme and all its plugins are updated to latest version . IT is recommended to create your own topic for better assistance and also the errors that you mentioned not seems to be related to this topic . So can you please create a new topic for your issue and share more information along with screenshots of your issues . Please also share your site url and admin credentials to check the issues in new topic of your's in  a private reply .
    @Alex -  WPLMS 2.1.1 and all plugins are up to date. I will create another topic - but the reason I posted here IS because to issues seemed very relevant to the original posters topic and this thread was recently created. My first issue is the TOPIC of this thread.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Sure we will check the issue on your site once you share the credentials as we are not able to replicate these issue on our test and demo sites .
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