Language on frontpage

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  • #241904
    Huib Croon
    On my website the language is set on Dutch. On the FrontPage however with the Laatste nieuws (Latest news) the tekst is still : "page 1 of 3 "instead Pagina 1 van 3 , zoals it should be in the Dutch Laguage. I searched all the different Language files bur could not find the English tekst so I could not translate this. Can you tell me where I can find this so I can translate?   Regards
    Hello, please share a screenshot for this.

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    Huib Croon
    This is the screenshot of the homepage. The tekst is market with a blue Arrow.
    this is a translation issue and it is coming from the vibe custom type plugin.

    you need to copy the translations file into a global folder, which is wp-content >> language.

    you need to translate every string from all plugins and theme. translated them one by one. On every update local files will be affected so that you need to put these translated files into global folders. it will prevent string loss from the update.

    here is how you can achieve this.

    Note: in this, I am using my local test setup site language which is "Português do Brasil". you have to select your site language.

    Always sync and save the pot file refer:

    Note: Always copy local .Po | .Mo files into the global folder. it will prevent from translation string loss while updating theme/ plugins.

    How could you do this:

    In this video, 

    1. i have checked the site language from wp-admin > settings > general > site language.
    2. then goto wp-admin > loco translate > theme/plugin > theme name / plugin name.
    3. Copy author file to system file.
    4. the author stands for local file and the system stands for the global file.
    5. once your done copying. from now you have to translate a string in global (system) file.

    These steps should be followed for all plugins and theme in which you are making any changes.

    this is a translation issue and it is coming from the vibe custom type plugin.

    you need to copy the translations file into a global folder, which is wp-content >> language.

    you need to translate every string from all plugins and theme. translated them one by one. On every update local files will be affected so that you need to put these translated files into global folders. it will prevent string loss from the update.

    here is how you can achieve this.

    Note: in this, I am using my local test setup site language which is "Português do Brasil". you have to select your site language.

    Always sync and save the pot file refer:

    Note: Always copy local .Po | .Mo files into the global folder. it will prevent from translation string loss while updating theme/ plugins.

    How could you do this:

    In this video, 

    1. i have checked the site language from wp-admin > settings > general > site language.
    2. then goto wp-admin > loco translate > theme/plugin > theme name / plugin name.
    3. Copy author file to system file.
    4. the author stands for local file and the system stands for the global file.
    5. once your done copying. from now you have to translate a string in global (system) file.

    These steps should be followed for all plugins and theme in which you are making any changes.

    Huib Croon
    Thanks Logan, it works Regards
    thanks for your confirmation closing this topic.
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