Legitimate Testimonial Links are Serving a 404

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  • #46299
    All of my testimonials are are suddenly serving up 404 pages even though they are all active URLs.  I have attached an image from my backend showing that the following page/link is live and set up correctly, but when you click the link you will get my 404 page. <span id="sample-permalink">http://www.perfectlyproduce.com/testimonial/<span id="editable-post-name">testimonial-caralee</span>/</span> Can you please help me solve this problem?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please check if you have translated the word testimonial in your site ? Please note that there is one string in code which is slug for testimonials . Please try viewing the testimonials in your site from back end all testimonials page in back end .
    We did not do any translations on the site.  Also tested viewing the testimonials from the back end and still received the 404 error.  And we haven't done any custom coding. When we first installed WPLMS and entered existing testimonials, we could access the page correctly and use the post widget on the main sidebar to display rotating testimonial excerpts.  Then, without known cause, I checked our 404 log for a different page and noticed a 404 was now being served to the testimonial page as well. What do you suggest?  Thank you.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Okay there may be possibilities that this is appearing due to a third party plugin . Please try deactivating third party plugins (that may be related to testimonial) . Please also try re-saving permalinks and also check if there is any page with slug same as " testimonial " . If any page or any content with slig same as  "testimonial" then please trash and then delete it completely . If above does not helps then please share admin credentials and site url in a priivate reply  to check this at your end .
    Alex, thank you for your patience while I worked on this.  I tried deactivated third-party plugins and the only one I am suspicious of is JetPack.  Deactivating it didn't resolve the issue (it made the testimonials page redirect to the homepage interestingly), however, JetPack does have a Testimonials option under it's Custom Content Types.  I don't have this active yet a "Testimonials" section is created in my admin panel - which uses a testimonial slug. I don't have any testimonials created through this admin option, but could it still be causing the conflict?  I have created a temp admin profile for you if it is fastest for you to take a look directly.  I will appreciate seeing what you think is going on.  Thank you. URL:  http://www.perfectlyproduce.com/wp-admin/ user: temp password: CARE2016
    Anshuman Sahu
    I checked your site and found there are three theme folders in your site. Can you please try deleting the wplms theme folders in your wp-content/themes folder which are not being used ? Also please also try deactivating all your third party plugins at once and check the issue again .
    I've deleted the two extra theme folders.  I also deactivated all of the plugins at once.  The issue has not resolved.  Now, the testimonials simply redirect to the home page.  If I go to this URL: http://www.perfectlyproduce.com/testimonial/testimonial-caralee/  and hit refresh I am taken to www.perfectlyproduce.com.  
    Anshuman Sahu
    I checked your site and found there are two testimonials options in your wp-admin panel . I created a jetpack testimonial and found its slug to be the same as the wplms testimonial slug which is originally causing problems in your site . there are two custom post types with same name . Please deactivate the jetpack testimonials completely and check the issue again .
    Alex- thank you for looking again.  I was able to remove the Jetpack Testimonial function from the wp-admin panel after doing the following (note: I had "Custom Content Types" Jetpack module deactivated but the Testimonials stilled showed in admin panel, these are the steps I took to successfully remove it): Jetpack-->Settings-->Custom Content Types - ACTIVATE-->Configure-->UNCHECK Testimonials from Writing Settings --->back to JetPack Settings-->Custom Content Types- DEACTIVATE. Unfortunately, this has not resolved my problem.  WPLMS testimonials at www.domain/testimonial still redirects to home page.  I did retest with deactivating my Redirection plugin and still no success. I appreciate your continued help.
    Anshuman Sahu
    This is clearly a third party plugins conflict . Can you please try deactivating the whole jetpack plugin and other third party plugin in your site  and then resave the permalinks and then check the testimonial pages ?
    Since we had deactivated all plugins yesterday, we started tonight by resaving the permalinks (hoping there was residual conflict from the Jetpack Testimonial slug) and it worked!  Our testimonial page is again visible.  Alex, thank you, so much, for your continued support until this issue was resolved.
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