Main Menu responsiveness sizes

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  • #104835
    Hi guys, Is there a way to disable the intermediate media size. So I don't have the menu items going on a second line? I've seen responses to the same issue in which you explain that due to the fact that you are using bootstrap the tablet media size cannot be overpassed. In that topic you advised to play with the menu items, deleting some so they do not go on a second row, but in our case we cannot really do that. We need all those items on the menu. We also reduced the typo size but it does not work appropriatly. Is there any way to avoid that second line?. It covers half of the screen on lanscape position. Is there a way that on the tablet sizes it reacts exactly as it would do in a mobile? We are receiving complaints about it from some of our users and we do not know what to try. Thanks in advance.
    First solution is to delete some of the menu items. Second solution is via minimising the font size of the items. That's all. Really sorry, but these are the only solutions as of now.
    Thanks anyway.
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