mega menu


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  • #171189
    Hello! I'm having some difficulty in getting my mega menu to look like yours in demo 4: This is what is looks like currently:
    1. How can I remove the empty space (red box) on the far right?

    2. How can I set the hover color of "buy now"? ref:

    3. I had to set menu size to 160% to allow enough space for all the widget names at the top. Problem is just that is messes up the alignment of the content displayed by the widget: As you can see, the "C" falls out of the red box. How can I get it to be aligned with " Subjects"?

    Also, the subcategories under CPL don't display. I've used the Course categories widget for that. How can I get them to display?

    1. In terms of your menu on demo 4, I would like the subjects/courses to be displayed exactly like that. Including the way the colors change.  I tried setting it up like that here: But the result is this: I would like thumbnail images to appear next to each individual course subcategory. Like this:
    site url: Thank you!
    1. Try changing these two according to the widgets added in the selected sidebar. If the sidebar which you have selected in the menu have 4 widgets then select the column number as 4.
    Refer: 2.&3. There is no setting for this, after setting the menus, ping me back i will share the custom css for this. 4. Follow this tutorial:
    I've set the menus. Will you please send me the css for them?
    1. I've set columns as 4, so that took care of the empty space, now it's just the content alignment which needs to be set:

    2. On menu : Products, when I try to move my mouse cursor into the menu, the menu disappears.

    3. On menu: Products, how can I get subcategories to display under "Subjects"?

    4. Okay I've created the menu, according to the video but the course description and  thumbnail are missing:

      Thank you!    

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    1. Thank you! I've added it but it seems more pronounced now:

    2. See this video:

    Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It's only the mega menu that does that.

    1. When I do that, it adds it next to the mega menu. I would like it to be listed under cpl :)  :

    2. It was set to Category Posts and Course category:


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    Thanks for fixing the order and alignment :) much appreciated. Submenu disappear on hover: It still does that on my side, slightly less than before. What bothers me is that it doesn't open the menu on the first attempt, only on the third or fourth. This makes the site look buggy. Is there anything else you can do to limit this from happening?
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    This reply has been marked as private.
    @mikaylatjie Closing then
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