Memberships & Subscription Help

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    I've looked through the documentation and there appears to be multiple ways to achieve memberships/subscriptions, but I would appreciate some clear direction of the best practice with current integrations to achieve the requirements below.

    What is the the recommended third party plugin (Woo Memberships or Paid Membership Pro) that integrates the best with WPLMS to achieve the following:

    1. A user can buy a membership that gives access to all courses or a set/group of specific courses ie Full Member | Silver Member etc
    2. The memberships can  be subscription based or one off payment
    3. A user with a membership can still purchase individual courses outside their membership
    4. A user could have multiple memberships
    5. A user can have access to a trial period of a course or module of a course and then pay to upgrade to an individual course access or a membership.
    6. As developers of WPLMS, if you could only choose one to base your membership/WPLMS integration on what would you suggest? Woo Memberships/Subscriptions or Paid Memberships Pro
    Also, can you please comment on if this is possible "out of the box" or require custom development or is not possible:
    1. A user registers for an event with EventON (paid or free) and gets added to a course as part of the event purchase/registration
    2. A user has a membership that currently has no courses with WPLMS (ie page content/file access etc) but could have selected course access made available to them in the future without effecting the current membership in place?
    I look forward to your assistance here please Thanks Dean
    H.K. Latiyan
    The EventOn scenario is not possible in wplms as of now, but all other scenario is available in wplms . You can use woocommerce membership plugin and also use this addon to integrated it with wplms: The addon is present as an attachment in the tutorial link.
    Thanks for the reply >><span style="color: #4b4d4d; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px;">The EventOn scenario is not possible in wplms as of now, but all other scenario is available in wplms .</span> 1. Are there programmatic "hooks" in WPLMS that could be used to send confirmation from EventOn to auto register a user in a course/subscription? 2. How much would it cost to have this capability developed? 3. Is there any chance it will make its way into the core or as a plugin? Thanks Dean
    H.K. Latiyan
    Right now there is no such plan of adding this feature in wplms, you can create a feature request on our feature request forum for this . There is a function defined in wplms which add the users to the course, but we have not explored eventOn plugin for this purpose so I am not sure if the hook exists or not.  
    This reply has been marked as private.
    @Price2hands, can you please create your own topic so we can assist you better on your topic. Your question will be helpful for others as well
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