Mobile Menu

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  • #104870
    Hello, the menu of my website is displayed incorrectly on cell phones and my clients can not access the courses.   thk!
    Can you please specify your issue by providing us some screenshots?
    Spectator When you expand the menu, there is only one item
    Firstly the link in the menu works fine, i just tested it. To add more items to the mobile menu. Go to wp-admin->appearance->customiser->menu->locations->see which menu is set as mobile menu. Now go back to the menu and edit that mobile menu. Add more links to it . And click on save and publish.
    Hello, thanks for the answer. Sorry for believing that there was a mistake. With his instructions worked perfectly. One more query: how can I delete the shopping cart in the cell phones menu. I use the following code that works to remove it in the menu of a computer.   .topmenu .smallimg.vbpcart { display:none; }
    Go to wp-admin->appearance->customiser->add custom CSS-> add these lines and save. span.fa.fa-shopping-basket {display:none !important;}
    Hi, it worked perfect! Thank you very much!
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