Next Unit issues and courses duration

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  • #183151
    Hi, in my courses I found these issues: 1) I noticed that if user stops course and exit, when he continues course and submits a new quiz, back to course button takes him to the unit he left when gone out of course. Every time he submits the new quiz, he must go through all units an quizzes already competed till he reaches the new unit. 2) After a "Survey Tipe questions" quiz, must refresh the page in order to find next unit button. I know how to do, but students stop and ask me what happened. The quiz it’s connected to course, passing score is 0 (each question, not having a correct answer, has 0 score). May be there is something wrong in my procedure? 3) Course duration: I gave 30 days duration to a prerequisite course and 30 to the other one. When I subscribe a student to these two courses I want give him 30 days to complete the first one and 30 for the second one. Is it possible to begin the 30 days period in the second course starting when the first one is completed? Thank you
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. would need to check it provide some time .

    2. we have not tested suvery quiz and quiz passing score yet provide some time .


    1. you can enable "  Enable Course Duration from Start Course" from wp-admin -> lms -> settings for this .
    This will calculate user's duration when she started the course once she starts the second course .  
    Hi Alex, thank you for your reply. Concerning points 1 and 2 what you suggest to do meanwhile you check the issues? If user finished quiz and cannot go on?
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. Well could not replicate it .Need more info about it  ,Please share your course url and admin credentials in which this is happening and also steps to replicate it .

    2. just remove the 0 from passing score field and save the quiz settings . There must not be any value in it even 0 .

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    Anshuman Sahu
    thanks please provide me some time to check this up.Ping back for a reminder.
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    Anshuman Sahu
    I tried to replicate it but could not . refer : Would need to exact steps to replicate the issue . Also please goto wp-admin -> lms -> settings -> Enable In-Course Quiz . This will open the quiz in the course page itself, not separately .
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well I checked this and I think the issue is appearing because user might not have passed the quiz . We will check it further .Provide some time .
    Hi Alex, thank you for your replay. I tested the courses and passed the quiz.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well I tested this but could not pass the quiz as I did not know the right answers .I will check it again and check if the issue appears to me .
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