I entered this code to quiz, no matter what the answer wrong or right, it will always display the pass message. Even if the user failed the test.
[pass_fail id="813" pass=1]
Thanks for attending the live lecture! You may now move ahead to access its resources and proceed to class 2
[pass_fail id="813" fail=1]
Please wait for your live lecture to proceed forward. If you've already attended but the code isn't working, contact us on 'ask for help'
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also please note that this code was added to change score to fail/pass message
function wplms_course_passfail($marks_html,$course_id){
$extract = explode('/',$marks_html);
$course_marks = intval($extract[0]);
$certificate_val = get_post_meta($course_id,'vibe_course_passing_percentage',true);
if(isset($certificate_val) && is_numeric($certificate_val)){
if($course_marks >= $certificate_val){
$marks_html = 'PASS';
$marks_html = 'N.A';
$marks_html = 'FAIL';
return $marks_html;
Thanks for sharing the credentials but I am not sure what credentials you gave me, because I am unable to see the whole LMS panel in your website and therefore I cannot edit your quiz, course or question.
I also noticed that your theme and plugins are at 2.5.1 version, please update it to the latest versions i.e. 2.6.1
Please check the credentials and provide the credential using which I can edit the quiz and course, to check the issue on your website.
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checked your site ,there was two little mistake that you were doing which were :
1. wrong quiz id in shortcode : it should be 797 but you wrote 813 .
check screenshot in private reply .
2. and you have to " before and after the parameter of shortcode .In your pass and fail parameters there were no " . it was like : [pass_fail id="797" pass=1] pass message [/pass_fail]
it should be like : [pass_fail id="797" pass="1"] pass message [/pass_fail]
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