PHP Version

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  • #364644
    I've just installed the WPLMS theme and keep having trouble with it not working correctly. I set my PHP version to 7.4 and it worked for a few minutes and then stopped working completely. The browser would just time out. I then jumped it back to PHP 7.2 and it now works, albeit quite slow. Why does the theme not work correctly with PHP 7.4? Looking in the theme status, everything appears to be ok. Home URL: Site URL: WP Version: 5.7.2 WP Multisite Enabled: No Web Server Info: Apache PHP Version: 7.2.34 MySQL Version: 5.5.5 WP Active Plugins: 15 WP Memory Limit: 256 MB WP Debug Mode: NO WP Language: en_GB WP Max Upload Size: 128 MB PHP Post Max Size: 128 MB PHP Time Limit: 300 PHP Max Input Vars: 2000 Default Timezone: DEFAULT TIMEZONE IS UTC Settings WPLMS Pages All Course page: #42 - /ALL-COURSES/ Default Certificate Page: #0 - The console is always displaying warnings about mixed content issues as some of the demo content is loading over http instead of https. I have also been getting JavaScript errors in the console about uncaught exceptions.
    can you share the exact screenshot of the error visible here loading over http instead of https this is an SSL issue for that you can use any SSL plugin
    The SSL issue isn't the main problem I am having. The main issue is a problem with PHP. When I set the version of PHP to 7.4 the site just times out. The only way I can get the site stable is by running it on 7.2 Previously, the site was on another host and on that hosting the theme options didn't work at all, they were just completely blank, the site was very slow on the front end and I couldn't edit any of the pages. I've since switched it to another host, installed one of the theme demos, the demo worked for about 20 minutes and then the site stopped working completely and just timed out. It wasn't until I changed the PHP version to 7.2 that the website started working again. There was nothing extra installed except everything that the theme installed by default.
    hi you can simply ignore these console errors and also if you are getting any issue with these errors then properly send screenshots and let us know the errors you are getting
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