Prevent direct download of pdf document

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  • #48725
    Hello WPLMS team, I have recently bought WPLMS theme and it is very powerful. However I have a question about the attachments to unit, and more precisely pdf attachment. I wanted to attach a pdf document to a unit and then I followed the instructions disclosed in your documentation. However, when testing the unit, I noticed that the pdf document can be directly downloaded by a people who is not a student or a professor. Indeed, by WordPress default settings, all the documents are stored in the directory (if it is a pdf document). Then, if a people, who is not registered as student or professor, enters in the url adress navigator :, he can access to all the content of the directory and then download the pdf file. Is there a way to prevent such a thing, i.e. to prevent people who are not registered as students/professors to download pdf documents (which attached to a unit) by using the above described method ? Thank you in advance for your answer
    H.K. Latiyan
    For preventing this you can use wplms S3 addon plugin.
    OK Thank you for your answer. Regards,
    H.K. Latiyan
    Thanks for confirming, so marking the topic as resolved and closing the topic.
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