Hello WPLMS,
In order to create a single PWA for our network (besides the WPLMS PWA) the technology only supports sub directories. As a result we changed our site structure from sub domain to sub directory ie university.kimroybailey.com to kimroybailey.com/university.
After the change over we ran into a few issues in getting the PWA install icon.
Here is a quick video of the issue:
Here is Text file from the video
deselect the checkbox for 'Site is installed on root and not on any another url like site.com/mysite'
manifest.json resources not loading
Service worker successfully regenerated
But still manifest.json resources not loading errors in Developer Console.
TBU Support
Ok you have to copy your manifest.json file from root and create a folder called "university" and in this "university" folder paste the manifest.json file .
Hello WPLMS,
As instructed we moved the manifest.json to a new folder created in the root called university and in this folder placed the manifest.json. Still not getting the install icon nor any Service Worker registered in Developer Console.
Here is a quick video update:
We also have two errors for
Failed to load resource for MathMenu.js
Failed to load resource for MathZoom.js
TBU Support