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  • #338608
    when we have both app one added from pwa by add to home screen option and other installed from play store, then when some one click to login into website ( opened in browser) then it opens the app which was added using add to home screen method. but app which is added from play store should be opened. plz resolve this issue
    PWA is a browser linkage. So this is default behavior of browser. Since this is browser mapping of site url with pwa , I do not think we can override this by using custom javascript because the action will always happen before the javascript comes into action. So currently this might remain a limitation for now.
    we will still try to replicate this and dig in deeper if there is any way to open the app before the browser actions.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Hi this is an limitation of PWA's as of now , we are checking what we can do this to avoid this . User needs to uninstall either of the two .
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