Question without answer expected

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  • #140390
    Hi, Since I need the learners to have both the lesson and the practice exercices within the same page, I use the "question" elements for their real purpose (asking the learner about anything he learned) and for pure lecture/lesson purposes (that is simple text explaining a notion). The result is that for example I have to embed videos in MCQ-type questions, which display a check answer button, whereas no answer is actually expected. => Is there a way to add to quizes some "question" elements for which no answer is expected (and thus don't display the button)? Thanks for your feedback.
    Mark Morgan
    Hi, Well you can add the practice exercises within the units of your course and if you want to display the correct answer, then you can put correct answer in Explanation . The Check answer button only displays the answer is correct or not. So the students can view answers by clicking on Explanation button. Thanks
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