Quiz – How can I reduce the amount of clicking?

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  • #149257
    I've received some complaints recently about the number of "clicks" needed to submit a quiz. I have a couple questions about how I can make this a better user experience:
    1. I recently noticed the "show results after submission", this removes one click where the user needs to click check results. Is there any way to apply this to all of my quizzes? Or do I have to go through and individually edit the settings of each quiz? I have hundreds of quizzes, I'm hoping I can set all quizzes to this setting with some type of "apply all" function.
    2. Start quiz - I click a quiz, then click "start quiz", then a pop-up says "You're about to start the Quiz. Please click confirm to begin the quiz.". Anyway to cut all of this down? So that I can just click the unit and the quiz automatically begins?
    3. Submit quiz - I click submit quiz then a pop-up says "Are you sure you want to submit the quiz. Submitting the quiz will freeze all your answers, you can not change them. Please confirm." - is there any way to turn this off? So that submit quiz automatically submits without asking?
    Any other suggestions? Thanks!
    Mark Morgan
    Hello, 2 & 3. The pop up for start quiz and submit quiz  is hard coded in wplms and it can not be disabled. 1. The setting "show results after submission" can be set to "show" for all your quizzes by adding following php code in your wplms-customizer plugin -> wplms-customizer.php file. Php code: add_action('plugins_loaded',function(){ $obj = BP_Course_Action::init(); remove_action('wplms_after_quiz_message',array($obj,'show_quiz_results_after_quiz_message'),10,2); add_action('wplms_after_quiz_message','show_quiz_results_after_quiz_message',10,2); }); function show_quiz_results_after_quiz_message($quiz_id,$user_id){ if(!is_user_logged_in()) return ''; if(empty($quiz_id)) return '';     //if(function_exists('vibe_validate') && vibe_validate($eanbled)){   if(empty($user_id)){ $user_id = get_current_user_id(); }   if(!empty($quiz_id) && !empty($user_id)){ $return = bp_course_quiz_results($quiz_id,$user_id); $course_id = get_post_meta($quiz_id,'vibe_quiz_course',true); if(!empty($course_id)){ $return .= bp_course_quiz_retake_form($quiz_id,$user_id,$course_id); }else{ $return .= bp_course_quiz_retake_form($quiz_id,$user_id); } $return .= '<style>.quiz_result h3.heading span,.quiz_results_popup {display:none !important;}</style>'; } //} echo $return; }
    Thanks! So WPLMS does not offer and PHP or CSS to remove pop-up "You're about to start the Quiz. Please click confirm to begin the quiz." and "Are you sure you want to submit the quiz. Submitting the quiz will freeze all your answers, you can not change them. Please confirm."?
    Mark Morgan
    The popups your are asking to remove are hard coded in theme. If we changed the code to remove the popups then it will appear again when you update the theme. If you still wish to remove this popups then after update of theme  we will not provide the support for this again and again as this is the part of customization.
    Makes sense, thank you for the explanation!
    @jmu, Can we close this topic now?
    Yes, thanks!
    @jmu29, Thanks for confirmation...
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