Quiz publish issue

Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries How-to & Troubleshooting Quiz publish issue

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  • #133466
    Quiz was published but not showing on student and not visible on my developer's side. My Screenshot https://prnt.sc/h1jr7m https://prnt.sc/h1jraq My Developer's Screenshots https://prnt.sc/h1hk7p https://prnt.sc/h1hcqw https://prnt.sc/h1hd8d https://prnt.sc/h1hsvj Can you check on your end? I can give admin access.
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, This is strange, right now I can think of only instructor content privacy setting which can cause this, but the instructor of that lesson is also the instructor of lesson 4. So this removes the possibility of instructor content privacy setting. I'll have to check this on your website. Please share both the credentials with us with which I can see the lesson 6 and with which I cannot see it. PS: Please mark your reply as private while sharing the credentials.
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