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  • #334394
    Anshuman Sahu
    4 . yes surely that is the problem then , as I said scorm upload is not available in quizzes for now.The scorm quiz of which marks you are expecting to be considered will not be considered in course evaluation as its a unit in which scorm quiz is and units does not have any marks . https://prnt.sc/wu6bbu
    Hi Alex, To better understand how the final score on an exam is calculated I have put together a course with 3 quizzes, with 1, 2 and 3 questions: https://elearning.tecnobiz.com.ar/course/exam/ Whatever the answers are, the final result is always 100/100... (See:https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/crVqF19Yoq) maybe that's the indication that the course was completed, if that's the case: 1. where does the final result of the exam appear? 2. how can a minimum passing score be established and the student be told whether he or she passed or failed? Your user and password ere still valid. Thanks, regards
    Anshuman Sahu
    Okay yes I checked your site and found that you have enabled this setting in wp-admin-> lms -> settings : ,I disabled it and then it worked well : http://somup.com/crVrI4oUpW
    Hi Alex, Thank you for your reply. As a new user of WPLMS, it is very difficult for me to know the effects of each of the possible configurations: is there a document or instructive where all the possibilities are listed and that serves as a guide? To continue with my tests I have added a second part and I have the following questions: 1. Is there a way to choose which section or questions go into the final grade? 2. In the case of a course where there are intermediate review assessments and a final assessment: how do I avoid taking the results of the intermediate assessments in the final grade? 3. I can view the results on a student-by-student basis. How can I view or generate reports for all the students that are in the course? 4. How can I see the statistics generated? See: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/crVrrX94Xo 5. Another issue: I added a drop down question and (ID 1212 Quiz 5 Question 13) and it doesn't work. Regards,
    Anshuman Sahu
    you can refer this link for docs : https://docs.wplms.io/ 1 . right now there is no settings , but yes the same lms setting which I showed in previous reply can be used . In this wasy you can select which quiz to be considered and which are not by simply connecting the quizzes course in quiz settings itself here : https://prnt.sc/xg9jms 2 . well you can use assignments , without evaluation of assignments the course will not complete by user . 3 . from course -> statistics : https://prnt.sc/xg9o35 4 . we have quiz level stats : https://prnt.sc/xg9qu7 5 . Please try creating a new dropdown question ,it might be some setting that is not working there .
    Hi Alex, 3. Yes, I saw this statistics it and have tried to use them. It seem that the statistics are not generated (that's what I tried to show in the video I sent: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/crVrrX94Xo 5. Ok, is working. Thanks, regards
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please try using the all students option instead : https://prnt.sc/xi5n6n
    Hi Alex, I tried "All students" and it didn't work either. Another question: How do I set a passing score and then see in a table in addition to the score obtained, who passed and who did not pass? Thanks, regards
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well its the quiz stats , the passing score you can enable from wp-admin -> lms -> settings .this will add a setting individual quizzes : https://prnt.sc/xlzw2y you can see marks same from quiz stats . https://prnt.sc/xg9qu7 course test scores showing : https://prnt.sc/xm0i12
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