Randomize question list and question options sequence

Home Forums Legacy Support 4.0 Bugs & Issues Randomize question list and question options sequence

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  • #293120
    In the 4. version in LMS General setting there is an option to Randomize Quiz Question Options(for multiple correct type) that seems to don't work. How I can randomize question options in multiple choices question type? I have to create a double randomized quiz when I try again (random order of questions and options). Thank you, Marco
    Dear User, Randomize Quiz Questions will work only for questions of the quiz and not on options
    Dear Diana, thank you for answer, for the project we are starting is required also randomize options. I kindly ask you if this feature will be possible with a little custom work and if you have this kind of service. Thank you, Marco
    Add this code in wp-admin > WPLMS > Footer > Google Analytics Code <script> (function(jQuery){ jQuery.fn.shuffle = function() { var allElems = this.get(), getRandom = function(max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * max); }, shuffled = jQuery.map(allElems, function(){ var random = getRandom(allElems.length), randEl = jQuery(allElems[random]).clone(true)[0]; allElems.splice(random, 1); return randEl; });   this.each(function(i){ jQuery(this).replaceWith(jQuery(shuffled[i])); }); return jQuery(shuffled); }; })(jQuery);   jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery( 'body' ).delegate( '.in_quiz,#question', 'question_loaded',function(){ jQuery('ul.question_options.single').each(function(){ var $element = $(this).find('li'); $element.shuffle(); }); }); }); </script>   This will work with theme version 3.9.9 but not sure about version 4+
    Thank you for answer, I'm using the version 4.070 and it is not working. There is a lot of confusion in the LMS settings, WPLMS options and VibeBP settings. I would appreciate if it will be possible to find a solution, thank you, Marco
    Dear User, In version 4, the coding part is changed and we are using react js so right now, this is not possible to randomize quiz questions. You can create a feature request for this IN LMS and Vibe Options Panel, there is a thing [legacy] added besides the settings, those settings are not supported in version 4 Now, please tell me what confusion you are facing?
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