Remove “complete course” when course already finished

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  • #365719
    Strange behavior of course flow for student is: When the course already completed, and instructor already evaluated the course (on manual evaluation mode), the student can keep retake course and "complete course" whenever they want. How to restrict student to complete course again and again when its already finished? That's why "Retake Course" is there, right? So when its already finished, student can "Retake Course" but we can limit how many times student can Retake the course. So it doesn't make sense that student can complete course over and over again while there is "Retake Course" featurw.
    hi check if you have enabled finish course access in wp-admin>>wplms>>course manager
    Yes I have enabled that settings. Because I want student to be able to access finished course, but NOT FINISHING the course again and again. It's a big difference right? Student can't access expired course, I understand that. So we can set the course to unlimited duration to access. But you have feature to enable/disable Finished Course Access, not Expired Course, these are two different thing right? And then you have Retake Course, that's the limitation of how many times the course can be Retaken (in other word, Finished). So, how's the way if we want to configure number of Retake Course can be taken while student can still Finished the course how many times they want it? My concern is, when a course set to evaluation mode, and the student keep clicking on Complete Course at the end of course (because they're confuse why this button appears while they have finished the course), then the course will be sent again to be manually evaluate by instructor. So when the student click on complete course 10 times, then instructors have to manually evaluate their course for 10 times. So what's the point of Retake Course? Retake course means that student can reset and complete the course again, right? If it works that way, so no matter how many times we set retake course, it's useless because student can complete course again without Retaking the course.
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    hi yes right this is an issue
    Finally, it's so relieving to hear that, means that you're pay attention to it and gonna fix it. Can I have a trello card for this?
    well i will provide Trello link on monday please ping me on the same day as facing some issue with system
    any update @Veronica ?
    any update @Veronica , the trello card?
    hi thanks for reminding us here as the forum was facing some issues on Saturday and Sunday new replies from users are not visible but now its all fixed here is the link:
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