"Retake quiz" missing in v2.1.1

Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries Translation issues "Retake quiz" missing in v2.1.1

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  • #59949
    Hi Vibe Team, If I use LocoTranslate, I can't find "retake quiz" string. And if I try to open the .po file with Poedit : same problem. But if I open the .po file with notepad++, I can find "retake quiz". Because of this, this string isn't translate. Thanks to solve it. Best regards, Fred.
    H.K. Latiyan
    This string is present in the vibe course module plugin, so try translating the string in the vibe course module plugin. Let me know if this helps.
    Hi Latiyan, I found this string in the theme directory, not in course module plugin. I made a video for you. You can see that this string is uncomment, even in the .pot file. So we can't see it with locotranslate plugin or PoEdit. If I uncomment it (using Notepad++) i can see it with poedit or locotranslate http://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cDiuIfi5SE
    H.K. Latiyan
    I checked this in my test setup and I am using codestyling plugin, and I was able to translate the text, refer: http://prnt.sc/bz35ft Please try to sync the files by clicking on the sync button and then check.
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