RTL menu

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  • #127421
    Hi I use RTL version (Hebrew language) and I want that the menu on mobile will be on the right like the LTR version and not on the left as on the RTL version. What css I need to use for doing that?
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, This is not available because if we try to make it LTR then we'll have to change the whole header to LTR which will take lot of css. Please hire a freelancer for such customizations.
    Hi I understand what you say but for your information  on all RTL websites the menu on mobile is on the right so if you say that your theme is support RTL you should consider to change the menu on RTL version to the right on future updates. This is just a small suggestion from me, think about it. Thank again for your great theme and great support.
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, Thanks for the suggestion.
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