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  • #171119
    Hi, I want to create a custom sidebar for posts. I installed custom sidebars and did everything that has to be done and it does not appear. Can you explain me the way to have my custom sidebars on my posts?
    Mark Morgan
    To create side bar go to wp-admin -> WPLMS -> Sidebar manager -> Create sidebar. Refer : After this edit your post and select the sidebar as shown in screenshot. refer :
    I did what you said and it still doesn't work. Refer to screenshot:    
    @chrystianbourassa It might be possible that due to any custom css it is hidden. Can you please share that page URL. We will check this
    Mark Morgan
    This reply has been marked as private.
    The page does work. It's in the post that it's not showing up. Refer:  
    Mark Morgan
    To show side bar on post you need to rename your blog.php file.
    <span style="color: #373a3c; font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 14.4px; white-space: pre-wrap;">The blog has been renamed to wp-blog-header1.php</span> What do I do now?
    The blog has been renamed to wp-blog-header1.php What do I do now?  It's still doesn't work.
    Mark Morgan
    You have renamed the wrong file. Please find blog.php file from wp-content -> themes -> wplms_modern -> blog.php
    It's been set up now. Can you check if it ok? Because the sidebar does not appear yet in the post!
    Mark Morgan
    Sidebar is visible on your blog page as expected. If you want to add slider on post page then please rename your single.php file. wp-content -> themes -> wplms_modern -> single.php
    Ok here is the new name: single.php.bak But I don't see my sidebar on my post. Refer:  
    Mark Morgan
    Please share your ftp details with us to replicate this issue. PS: Mark the reply as private whiles sharing the credentials.
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