Single page for reviews

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  • #77118
    Is there a way of seeing the course reviews on their own page rather than at the bottom of the course home page? Thanks
    No, there is no page for the reviews. But there is a widget, using which you can display the reviews. To display reviews in a page follow these steps : 1. Create a new sidebar in WP Admin - WPLMS - Sidebar manager 2. In WP Admin - Appearance - Widgets, add the Course reviews widget in the above created sidebar. 3. Create a new page and enable page builder. 4. Add any layout element and inside the element drag a "Sidebar content block", select the sidebar created in step 1. Done. Let me know if this does not help.  
    Aah that's brilliant, thank you. However, the 'random' function on the widget doesn't seem to work. Go here and refresh the page a couple of times. The same reviews stay. Is this a known bug? Is there a fix?
    Thanks for pointing it out. We have marked it as a bug. Track this link :
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