Some issues

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  • #348050
    1. I want to protect registration forms with captcha to avoid fake profile creation. 2. Is there a way to make the search function on a specific page (like posts) display results from that page only? 3. The sorting method doesn't work in members directory...always shows members in the same order 4. These filters are pretty there a way to add meaningful filters? 5. Is there a way to display the "site activity" on the home page in an iframe or some other way? 6. Here you can't actually select groups NOTE: Please try to resolve all issues in your first reply. Thank you
    Point 1: If you are using WPLMS Custom Registration Form, then you have this option of Google Captcha Point 2: We have a setting in wp-admin > WPLMS > Header > Navigation Search > Set this to "course search" so the serach results will be from courses only Point 3: yes you are right, added as a bug: Point 4: Member Type Filters are working to filter the users according to the type If you don't want to show that, edit members directory and remove this Point 5: Part of Buddypress and checked their codex but nothing to achieve this Point 6: Yes, adding in bug section:
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