Submissions page not loading

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  • #121800
    Hello! The submissions page for one of our courses does not load properly. To get to the page follow the steps:
    1. Log in with administrator profile.
    1. Scroll down to the bottom of our home page, where you can find cards with all of our courses.
    3. Choose the course "Deutsch A1".
    1. From the sidebar on the left open the admin panel for the course.
    1. Choose the middle tab - leading to the submissions page.
    The problem applies only to the submissions page of this exact course. With all of our other courses there are no problems. We have already re-saved the permalinks and the problem still exists.
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well I checked your site and checked that course . I changes the slug of that course to fix the issue . that slug might be conflicting with something .changing slug of the course did the trick .
    The problem continues...would you please check again
    Anshuman Sahu
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Thanks! Fastest cashe seems to be the problem. Wanguard is back without causing issues. Does W3Total Cashe work fine with the theme? What cashe plugin do you recommend?
    H.K. Latiyan
    We have integrated the w3total cache plugin with wplms. You can refer the tutorial on how to use it here: ------------ In the tutorial its shown to minify the js files, but we have noticed that minifying js files causes issues mainly with buddypress profile, so I'll recommend not to minify the js files.
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