Submit Quiz just spinning…

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  • #117519
    Hello, I've got ~150 quizzes set up all exactly the same but a few of them refuse to allow the student to submit them.  They are all auto-results on a multiple choice quizes I have 'fixed' a couple of them by putting them into "Draft" status and then switching back to published but there's still some that won't work.  I've checked all the questions in the quiz to make sure they allow comments... Any ideas on other steps I should take to troubleshoot this?  I let it spin for 3 hours while I worked on something else and nothing happened, the exact settings on other quizzes are working great so I don't know what to do next. Thank you for your help, Me
    Personal note for my reference: Year 2 Lesson 42, Year 3 Lesson 33, Lesson 40
    Anshuman Sahu
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    Anshuman Sahu
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    Alex, Please try to close all the quizzes that are still open in the student account I shared with you. Not just one, all of them. Yes, all of them. All of them that are still open I can't close and have tried multiple times. There is something going on here that I can't figure out and I would like your help to resolve. Please try to close all of them then let's work together to resolve this issue. I look forward to reading your update after you have closed all the quizzes using the student credentials I have provided. Thank you for your help, Me
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well you can quickly reset those quizzes if they are connected to the course from course admin -> submission - > quiz .Select the evaluation complete quizzes : This way quiz will be reset for the user . Also please share your full server php error log .(upload it somewhere online and share its link here with us .) .
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