Test (exam) problema

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  • #320949
    I start the course and advance in the units. When I get to the test, I can see the text "START TEST", but if I don't take the test in that moment and go to the next unit, I can't take the test anymore! If I do not take the exam and then return to the course page, then I enter the course status again, when I want to take the exam, the text "START EXAM" no longer appears, why? I have checked the settings, and supposedly the option that does not allow to advance to another unit until the exam has been given is enabled, but it does not work. I need: 1.- The students cannot advance to the next unit, until they have taken the exam. 2.- If students do not take the exam and return to the course page, they can then enter later and take the exam (as it should be). Check this video: https://vimeo.com/472450142
    hi I need to check this on your site so please provide details with the exact course url
    here is the link: https://escuelasmooc.com/course/democraciacreativa/
    Hi. Reviewing again, now I see that the comments made in the previous unit appear in the exam unit. I am having complaints about this problem, please if you could solve this soon. You can see the video of this (new) problem: https://vimeo.com/472849649
    Please I need an answer to this problem. Right now the course has just been completely deleted, I don't know how or why, and it is a course that is active right now, with students and progress, etc. This really worries me greatly. You entered and are you making changes? Please I need answers urgently!
    hi no, we don't make any changes even I haven't checked the issue yesterday on your site please let me know the current situation and exact issue to check
    please continue with the main problem I posted first, about the exam. https://vimeo.com/472450142
    hi this is because if the user once started the quiz then it is treated as the user has attempted the quiz so please make sure that you have set the quiz retakes in the quiz setting
    no, it's not like that, if you look at the video I sent, I don't start the quiz, I don't click on "Start Quiz", I only advance to the next unit, and when I return to want to click on "Start Quiz" the text (link) no longer appears. I am explaining with letters what is in the video, please if you can see the video which is where the problem is clearly seen, which is not because the quiz is started.
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    what I see is that the "Next Unit" link is not enabled for you when you are in the exam unit. But if you watch the video that I sent you first, the option to go to the next unit appears, and many mentioned that problem to me. Why can this be? Maybe because of the browser that is used? I don't understand why me and some students get the option to go to the next unit without clicking "Start Quiz"
    hi the delay in response due to support holiday really strange issue as it is not appearing for me I have checked this on chrome is it appearing for all or with some users?
    I asume that for some users, and for me. I checked the configuration and its correct, so what I understand that students should not advance to the next unit, without first having taken the exam. And some were able to do it, including myself as an administrator and as a student with another account that has student-only permissions.
    hi please check 1..if you have translated this properly it can be possible that the start quiz translated as a blank string 2.. or it can also be a cache issue
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