Translation Issues (course archive, curriculum, etc)

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  • #43345
    Hi, So currently the page "course directory" is not compatible with WPML... It is the most important page of your LMS and yet not compatible. You should remove the WPML compatibility from your ads and docs until it is compatible: Since I can't use the course directory to have my 2 languages separate, I had to create my own course archive page, course category archive, levels archive page, tutor course archive etc.. and this for each language.. Not to say I can't use all your filters functions so I had to be creative... Crazy! Now my website was supposed to work but I found an other surprise, the course curriculum is LOCKED on "copy" in the WPML custom fields settings (screenshot). Therefore the curriculum is taking the units from let's say language A, and when we are in language B on the front-end, the language A units titles are displayed... + the unit is empty.. We spend hundred and hundreds of hours creating all these units in both languages, and every time we save a course it copies all the units/curriculum from the other language! How can we avoid THIS??? THANK YOU
    Admin credentials: id: wplms pass: Tjcn6mWB@p$lAmv4e2W%np(x Student credential: id: testedi pass: )$OC6A#4(bdV@Yl3rMz%QJ6@
    Ok so I removed the line: <custom-field action="copy">vibe_course_curriculum</custom-field> in the file wplms/wpml-config.xml This way the curriculum doesn't copy from one language to the other... I will suggest you remove this line or put it to "translate" by default. Or maybe there is a reason for you to have it set to copy? Thanks for your concern :-)
    Anshuman Sahu
    Thanks for reporting this issue with the curriculum in the course meta . We got the wpml-config.xml file form wpml plugin itself . But this has been missed by us in copying the meta of the course in different languages .Thanks for sharing this ,we will  fix this issue with the wpml soon .    
    Anshuman Sahu
    Hi, Cool, I'm glad this can be added to next updates. There's also the vibe_title and vibe_subtitle that are set to "copy" in wpml-config.xml and to me, they shouldn't: it copies the subtitle in language A to the other language B... I think you should put these on "translate" instead of copy too... Thanks Also, I noticed some missing french translations in your plugins po/mo files, is there a section here where we can contribute by sharing updated po files? This way it will benefit to others (and I won't have to update the po/mo files after each update ^^). Let me know! Thanks for your great theme! Cheers
    H.K. Latiyan
    Thanks for pointing this out, we will review the xml file. You can email the translation file at: [email protected] with the subject as translation files. We will include it in our update.  
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