Two issues with visual indication of messages and notifications in profile menu

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    1. Before the custom profile menus, there used to be a visual indication next to the profile menu dropdown that the user had new messages or notifications. This no longer appears. For instance in this screenshot, the user has a new message and notification but there is no indication next to their profile menu. Screenshot 1:   2. The visual indicators for new messages and notifications remain in the profile menu even after the user has read or deleted them. You can see in this screenshot that the user has no messages or notifications yet the visual indicators remain in their profile menu. This does not appear to be a caching issue as I logged into this user's account on a separate computer. Screenshot 2:
    Kindly provide us your wp-admin credentials and the site url. We will look into your issue. PS: Mark your reply as private.
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    I have fixed it on your site. wp-admin->lms settings->logged in menu
    Thanks Skywalker. That seems to have taken care of the second issue, but the first issue remains. Before the custom profile menus, there used to be visual indication of new messages/notifications on the profile menu in the header.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please try adding given css in your wp-admin-> apperance-> customizer -> custom css : .topmenu .vbplogin em {     z-index: 99999;   }
    Thanks Alex. That's got it visible again, but it's misaligned. I tried playing with various values of top and left but that didn't seem to help.
    Are you talking about the misalignment of the text?
    i tried the above css and it still does not show (for me either) a little blue icon next to profile username at top right corner that i have received a new message in my inbox. It shows for new notifications, but not for new messages. How can i remedy it?
    Hi, @Kffaner Well i just checked your site, the blue icon shows your message count just fine. Please refer to these screenshots :
    it shows it for you because you also have a notification. if you had a message but no notifications it would not show, which is what is happening for me. That is what i need to be fixed. Maybe add a notification when message is sent to fix it, i dont know if there is an option for that.
    Anshuman Sahu
    well that is because it does not meant for messages . It is just for notifications .
    Be that as it may but it does not make sense to exclude messages from notification icon. The purpose of that icon is to let user know that there is something waiting for them. Users are missing messages therefore they are not responding when i send them a message since they do not see the blue icon. Please tell me how to correct it or include it in your next update. This is a basic functionality that should definitely come with the theme.
    So as usual i figured out a work around myself hahaha for those who deal with this same issue, install the following plugin. This plugin will allow you to display LIVE notifications like on Facebook, and at the same time will send a notification to the inbox, causing the blue notification icon to appear for messages: Eonet Live Notifications You are welcome :)
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