Unlimited course duration with limited student access

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  • #111180
    Hi... try to configure my first course. It is online.. So, I am not shure how exactly work course duration, so i will ask. If i set course duration of 6 months for example, is that duration is only for students access or for active course access for all students. Or with other words, when some student enroll to my 6 months course, after that 6 months the student lose his access to that course, but the course is still active for enrollment for other students... untill i deactivate it?
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi.. The course duration means that when a student enrolls to a course then she will be able to access that course for 6 months, no matter which student is enrolling in the course and when she is enrolling. If a student A enrolls in the course today, then this student can only access the course until its course duration say 6 months. Now the student B can enrol in the same course 6 months from now or 4 months from now, and she will be able to access the course for 6 months.   Let me know if you have some confusion here.
    Ok, thank you.. that information help me to configure my online course.
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