Update request

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  • #346225
    I've been told in a themeforest comment response that I can request an upgrade from your team? I've had issues for a full week upgrading the theme.. Something is quite obviously not right in multiple areas.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Sure we will help out .Can you please list the issues you are getting ? and your site url and admin credentials to check this up/
    There are multiple issues with login. I have had previous tickets about this already. Then there is the fact that after logging in I can not have them land on the dashboard. I am told this is not possible. I have been told that I can potentially have it if I have buddypress on one page. I followed a video to achieve this. It does not work. I dislike the way that the new version of the dashboard loads over the top of the old style member card. There is a ticket about this too, including a video of what I mean. I haven't managed to test the rest of the site because these problems have caused me so much grief so far that I have completely lost patience. Should they be able to be overcome ... the next problem would be testing the courses ... making their layout better as that seems to have gone all over the place ... particularly in the main course page/explanation. I have followed hours of video to the letter to then find that one thing seems to cancel out another! Incredibly frustrating. Unless we can get the site to some form of workable and EASILY updatable point ... I think I am going to have to find another LMS plugin / theme. After it's all sorted, if it ever is ... i then have to transfer the student progress to this site so that I can move the entire thing to the live domain. I don't trust trying to do the changes on the main url ... as it's taken near two weeks so far. I've raised a ticket about moving student data too. It seems complicated, to the point that I would fear that I would ruin all course progress. The whole process of updating or indeed achieving anything in WPLMS seems complicated. I've made and maintained many websites in the past ten years and I've never known one to be as much of a mess as this one. Settings located all over the place, turning one thing on means another thing stops working completely. You have the manually edit all kinds of templates to have things show up. Your videos aren't in a useful order so people can TRY to follow themselves and your documentation assumes we have in depth knowledge of the theme and coding! Just a complicated mess.
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    Anshuman Sahu
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    Thank you. May I ask what needed doing? I have been wrestling with it for a long time and although I very much appreciate what you have done I do need to know roughly how it works.
    Also ... the log in is no longer a pop up. May I please ask how I style this page?
    .. and I seem to have to log in twice if I want to see wp-admin. I thought the option to synchronise login was supposed to mean that I only need to log in once? Logging out from wordpress also doesn't log me out of VibeBP as I can still see the profile picture at the top of the page even though I have logged out of wordpress.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well I added some custom css in your appearance -> customize -> custom css to not let popup the login or logged in menu as it redirects to app dashboard already . Apart from this I added the shortcodes : [vibebp_login] and [vibebp_profile] in the bp single page (dashboard page) to load the dashboard . Yes our login and wp login both are different , our login is modern token based and wp is cookie based . Therefore need to login separately on both OR you can enable both syncs : sync vibebp with wp and wp to vibebp from wp-admin -> vibebp -> settings : in order to login to both . The logout sync is not built yet you need to login ust from wplms app dashboard in order to logout from both .
    Ok I understand thank you. I need to now test the courses and quizzes and see if I come across any issues there. Can you tell me ... is there a video or further documentation that walks you through importing the student / user data from the live site? So nothing is lost? A colleague of yours pointed me towards this: https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/addingediting-bulk-users-in-a-course/ But I must admit I don't feel comfortable that users, course progress, quiz answers and anything else associated with them ... will be transferred across successfully based on that documentation that has been supplied.
    Anshuman Sahu
    In order to do that you will need to take full export of the data We exports and units , quizzes and their progress marks as well in csv import export with user connected data .Another things you would need from database side is activity table, and activity meta table. You can take mysql export from phpmyadmin from old site adn then dump it into activity table on new site . ACtivity table can be imported as it just contains activity data not any site data . refer : https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/website/phpmyadmin-export-table For all other things the import/ export feature would work .
    Hello ... I thought I was following you until this sentence ... "For all other things the import/ export feature would work ." What other things? I feel that I am still confused as to how to transfer all student(s) and data. I was thinking of doing the following: * Export all users to the new build using a plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/import-users-from-csv-with-meta/) * Then export all user data with your export facility - wp-admin -> Lms -> Settings -> import/export. Unless this exports users too? I do find your export facility confusing ... mainly because you have to choose the module. I want to export everything ... would I need to do this separately for course, module, quiz question AND assignment? * Then your recent message suggests that I need to then import the activity table + activity meta table. Which seems straight forward enough ... but jeez ... this is a huge amount of steps to export users and their data. Surely I am not the first person who wants to do it this way around?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Nope you dont need that external plugin , simply export the data from wp-admin > lms -> import/export (make sure you checked "export user connected data" and "connected modules") there . SEcondly you have to make sure that user ids are same in the new site to sync the course data . IF user ids is same then simply import the csv . Now the other place where quiz data is present is in activity and activity meta table : export of these are not available in csv , so you need to do it from phpmyadmin as shown here : https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/website/phpmyadmin-export-table
    Hello, You didn't attend to the following point ... * I do find your export facility confusing … mainly because you have to choose the module. I want to export everything … would I need to do this separately for course, module, quiz, question AND assignment? ... do I have to export 5 files to get all of the information I need?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well if you are exporting a course and checked " export connected modules "option, then it will automatically export all units / quizzes connected to the course . There is no need then to export the units/ assignment / quizzes export separately .
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