Where are tables /queries kept to develop a database

Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries Other issues Where are tables /queries kept to develop a database

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  • #33633
    I apologize for posting in multiple topics but since you switched to this new forum, I dont fully understand where to post my question that gets to the support team or just a question to others that have  a WPLMS.....I am trying to have a developer make me a database that i can better track students info, course, grades, payments and events all in one database instead of searching separately for these items. Can you please tell me where the developer can find the tables/query for students info, courses, courses grades, student payment info.I know where to find each item in the admin dashboard.  Im specifically asking about the back end where the tables are kept for the developer to build 1 database with all. I have had your theme for over 1 year and its great but the reports are hard to follow with so many students so Im at the point of needing a separate database. Please and Thank you Tables/list/query from the backend for developer to make database Students Courses Events Course test scores payments
    H.K. Latiyan
    The database is phpmyadmin, all data comes from this database only. For the tables your developer would need, refer: http://prntscr.com/aaztim
    Dear a4da, This was posted three years ago. Did you get done what you've wanted? Looks real promosing. Gijs
    Hey, MeesterGijs, If you have any queries regarding this, you can ask to our support team by creating your own topic. Thank you.
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