Where's another place to put "Google Analytics Code"?

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  • #10452
    I noticed that a lot of the php customization code is added in the WPLMS -> Footer -> Google Analytics Code Section. Is there another place, where I can add the code, instead of there?   Here's an example: https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/open-first-section-in-course-curriculum-for-accordion-style/ Instead of putting that sample code in the the footer section, where else could I put it?
    Anshuman Sahu
    It would be better if you place it in the footer in wplms options coz right now there is only option left to add the google anaylitics code is to add it with the coding in wplms-customizer plugin . ADd the code like this in your wplms-customizer.php file in wplms customizer plugin : add_action('wp_footer','google_code'); function google_code(){ ?> <script> //google anaylitics code </script> <?php }
    Hi Alex, didn't really understand your answer... Why put this code and other in a place which intended for Google Analytics!? why not give a dedicated space to all those extras. Google analytics field (To place code) need to be clean without extra code. extra code need to be in other dedicated field. Please add it to the Theme.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Google anylitics is just as the "add custom script " box . you can add any script in that . We will out this in description in next update of wplms .
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