Woocommerce Membership Course Expired issue after student has payed

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  • #75128
    I have to following setup:
    • WPLMS 2.3 with the latest plugin updates, WP 4.6.1, PHP7
    • Woocommerce Subscription and Membership
    • Woocommerce Variable Subscription Product "Membership" with Variations 1 for 1-Month Membership, 6 Month Membership and 12 Month Membership and for each membership the Variation 2 for the paying period monthly, every 3 month, every 6 month, every 12 month depending on the Variation 1
    • I added a Membership (same name like subscription product) and connected it to the product
    • I added two courses to this variable subscription product
    • I added the following code I saw here in the forum for integrating Woocommerce Membership in the customizer Plugin
    // WooCommerce Membership Anpassung add_filter('wplms_course_credits_array','show_memberships',999,2); function show_memberships($credits,$id){ $product_id = get_post_meta($id,'vibe_product',true); if(isset($product_id) && $product_id !='' && function_exists('get_product')){ //WooCommerce installed $product = get_product( $product_id ); if(is_object($product)){ $link =get_permalink($product_id); $check=vibe_get_option('direct_checkout'); if(isset($check) && $check) $link.='?redirect'; $price_html = get_the_title( $product_id); $credits[$link] = ''.$price_html.''; } } return $credits; } // "Add to Cart" als Button anstatt "Take this course" add_filter('wplms_take_course_button_html','show_add_to_cart_button_on_take_this_course',99,2); function show_add_to_cart_button_on_take_this_course($html,$course_id){ $product_id = get_post_meta($course_id,'vibe_product',true); $html .= do_shortcode('[add_to_cart id="'.$product_id.'" sku=""]'); return $html; } Problem 1: when the used payed and the order is confirmed it says "waiting for admin approval". If I go to the course it says (Course Expired). To fix this I have to go to the Admin tab of this course and extend the user (which I can't do for every order) Problem 2: if I added let's say 100 courses to this product all will be listed in the cart as (assosiated courses to this product) and in the notification e-mail of woocommerce also all assosiated courses will be listed. Do you have any help to fix at least problem 1?
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    My goal is to sell all 1000 courses with 3 different membeships (1 month membership, 6 month and 12 month membership) with the help of woocommerce membership and subscription plugin for the automatic charging possibility via a payment gateway.
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    Thanks for sharing all the details. I have marked this request for further testing. Currently, we have not tested with WooCommerce memberships, but we would like to add WooCommerce membership support , so just give me sometime to setup everything and test out this scenario. If required we will release the WC Memberships addon plugin as well. Just need some time to replicate this scenario, thanks for patience and the details.    
    Thank you so much. Looking forward to your results after testing. I guess a lot of people also searching for this solution because also your OneInstructor Theme only works just with PaidMembershipsPro only (as a payment gateway). If you do connect it with Woocommerce and the Woocommerce Subscription plugin with Wordpress 4.6.1 system I couldn't get it work. So Woocommerce Memberships, the Woocommerce shop and Woocommerce Subscription should at least work hand in hand and is compatible for the 4.6.1 Wordpress.
    any news about these issues or time schedule? The main problem also is that if you add a further course to an existing membership, the user doesn't get automatically access to this new one. I can't choose the WooCommerce membership instead of an product like with you PaidMembership Pro solution. As an alternative I wanted to like to use your PaidMembership Pro solution but I need  Woocommerce and WooCommerce Subscription for the payment because the gateways for PaidMembership Pro is very limited for German uses. But then your solution doesn't work any more.
    I was hoping that support for WooCommerce Membership will be implemented in the new version 2.4. Unfortunately not. Do you still have no workaround for that?
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    Anshuman Sahu
    Apologies for the late reply .We are still very busy in releasing the wplms update 2.5 .We will be checking this after wplms update  2.5
    any news on this issue?
    Anshuman Sahu
    We are working in it already .thanks for patience .
    After some template updates, still no news for a WooCommerce Membership and WooCommerce Subscription integration? It's a pity. I don't want to/can't use the PaidMembership Pro solution and WooCommerce is very wide spread and very compatible to a lot of payment gateways, especially in Germany with the problem of SEPA payments (which is wide spread there).
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well apologies for not informing you  about the update  . We have already released this addon on 25th of Feb but forgot to notify you . Please follow this tip : : https://vibethemes.com/documentation/wplms/knowledge-base/woocommerce-membership-integration-with-wplms-addon/
    Oh, cool. I have to check this if this is now a solution for me. But the question is why this is nowhere mentioned? I expected this information in the changelog of the template or even on this side I didn't see a hint or did I miss something? Why it isn't implemented in the template download like the PaidMembership Pro Addon? Also on the themeforest page is no additional entry to this mentioned but I think it is a big/additional selling argument for your product.
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