WPLMS add-on questions before starting setup

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  • #207087
    Hello, we are starting to setup our site and wanted to get one add-on the "Custom Learning Paths" which is $29. But it states "Licenses are valid for one year from the date of purchase. A valid and active license key is required in order to get updates and support for purchased extensions and themes. After one year, license keys may be renewed. that this is a one year license." 1) Does this mean that the add-one will continue to work beyond a year but without updates. I ask because this add-on was last updated in June 2017. 2) Are there are any known issues between the current WPLMS version and the Custom Learning Paths add-on?
    Hello Yes you are right.If you purchase the CLP it works for life time but updates will not be received to you but if you renew the license key then you will also received the updates. It is good that you always updated with the new version of CLP because it will be contain some new features. For more information please refer:http://prntscr.com/nj2yx0
    Thanks, that clear. Then what I need is confirm the best way to proceed with setup:
    1. We are installing multisite

    2. The only additional addon we need to enable in the beginning is the custom learning paths.

    3. We need to import demos into each site.

    What are your suggested steps, and things to avoid putting in the needed order?  

    Hello Please follow this video : https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/setup-wp-multisite-with-wplms/ this video follow on all your sub-site.
    Thanks we have started the process after downloading the latest WPLMS file this morning 5-14-19. We completed all the necessary php modifications recommended by the start up wizard and started the installation. We are the plugin installation step and am getting the following four plugin install errors: BBPress ajax error BadgeOS Success BadgeOS Community Addon Success BigBlueButton Success Buddydrive Success Buddypress ajax error CoAuthors plus Success Elementor Success EventON failed H5P Success Layer Slider Success PMPRO ajax error  WP Visual Composer ajax error Woocommerce ajax error What needs to be done to correct this?
    Hello Ajax errors are nothing so you kindly ignore the ajax errors.

    This ajax error appears because both bbpress and buddypress redirects to a welcome page after activation .

    Yes you can simply ignore errors for these also.

    Ok, the multisite is installed. Right now I am encountering a problem with the demo switcher in the WPLMS admin area . I am selecting Demo 3: https://wplms.io/demos/demo2/ But it is hanging and not completing.   Next step to resolve?
    Hello Yes, I know this, it is not a hanging problem. It's taking some time in importing and loading the demo. So don't worry it will take some seconds and then it will import. After that your demo will be switched into demo 3.  
    I understand that it may take some time to import. Yet the question is how long. I left it for a long time and then tried another theme import and the same issue occurred. Can you give me a time from of how long I should wait before something else is needed. Should it take more than a few hours? If not what is the next step one a few hours have passed?
    Still waiting for it to finish several hours later....  
    Hello Can you please share your site URL with admin credentials in private reply. So that we can check your site and identify the reason of this problem.
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