WPLMS user api endpoint not working

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  • #338891
    I am trying to test this through postman. Can you tell me how do I find the client id and the client state. All forum posts tell me to look at LMS-> Settings. But where in the LMS settings will I get this information? Please share screenshots as well. In case, I need to create a new App in Keys/Apps, please let me know what will be the redirect URI.
    Anshuman Sahu
    It can be found in wp-admin -> lms -> settings -> api .https://prnt.sc/yzgo3i https://prnt.sc/yzgrn9 https://prnt.sc/yzh0u2
    I have been able to resolve this issue. Thanks for the support. I have the following subsequent question: Is there a possibility that I can authenticate woocommerce end points and other wordpress plugin endpoints using the wplms auth token itself?
    Can you also point me to the section of code that is responsible for the access token? I also want to know in case I want to use a 3rd party auth service such as Firebase instead of the the Wplms internal auth system, how can I do that?
    Anshuman Sahu
    No there is no way right now to do this . wplms token is unserstandable to wplms only . Well the auth code is present in vibe course module plugin . wp-content/plugins/vibe-course-module/includes/api/class-api-auth-server.php
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