Zoom data


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  • #377935
    We know we can create zoom meetings and schedule them whatsoever. But can we collect the data from those meetings as in, how long did the meeting went, how many people attended and/or recordings of those meetings. Is it something we can have access to, is it something you need to do or is it about integration. I don't know but our customers requested this feature. Can you help us around it? or is it something out of your reach and we have to find a solution on our own. Regards, P.S. by the way if you could would you pick the blue pill or the red pill?
    hi well these stats not available but recordings are available after the meeting has ended PS: waiting for rabbit to appear.
    Can you share a video of those settings and after the meeting where can we see recording data. Because we tried all the setting and opened meetings couple times but there is no data after that. Also meetings never ends if we not click end meeting. Is it a bug or feature? We used open meetings in a new tab and open with zoom app because if we open in current tab there are too many bugs and errors. We assumed that feature is still on development.
    hi to end meeting make sure that you have add the end time as well and also you can enable the meeting recording from here http://prntscr.com/26fluaw the data will be available on your zoom account check there
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    Anshuman Sahu
    Might be dependant on the plans as well .Some free plans does not offer meeting recordings ,are you able to record meetings when meeting created from zoom panel directly?
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