
API & Apps6All about WPLMS REST API and Mobile AppsDownloads35FAQs86features1Instructor Guide28Setting up13Settings & Functioning156Tips & Tricks168Update Log92
Wplms Pre Course Quiz assign course on quiz submission on the basis of marks obt
This code snippet :

Vibebp 1.6.5

4.0Plugin Updates November 26, 2021
Upgrades : 1. All groups button join/leave button. Bug Fixes : 1. Dashbaord menu
for this you need to follow these steps: 1. add this CSS class ” profile-c
Upgrades : 1. Refresh token implemented , now token will get refreshed at set in

Hide quiz print button

CSS November 16, 2021
The WPLMS 1.6.3 comes with print quiz results button. In case you want to hide i
Add following code, to remove Achievements from Courses and then reload buddypre

Vibe Blog

November 3, 2021
Introduction: used to create blogs in wplms version. can be managed from user
Add this code in wplms-customizer plugin>>wplms-customizer.php add_action(

wplms 1.6.3

Plugin Updates October 28, 2021
Upgrades : 1.Title tag added in Course status Notes & Comments. Optional sh
Add this script in your wp-admin -> wplms -> footer -> google anaylitic

Vibebp 1.6.3

4.0 October 21, 2021
Feature Added : 1. All Members module. 2. Create member, bulk upload member via
WPLMS USER SESSION ADDON FEATURES: 1. Track login and logout times. 2. Detects a

VibeBP 1.6.2

Plugin Updates October 14, 2021
1. Added Tours. [ open WP admin – Vibebp – Tours to import tours ] 2

WPLMS iOS + macOS App

4.0 October 12, 2021
The WPLMS app package for iOS & MacOS is attached here. Do note this packag