Wplms Zapier Integration and Working

There are minimal steps which we have to follow to configure the Zapier on our WPLMS site.

Here is a quick video to configure zapier:

We will setup When this happen part:

We will move to Do this part:

  • Now You have the  content like ‘Student submitted the course’
  • Now use this data to do any event . We are doing it will slack but you can choose any app.
  • Choose app and event as Slack:https://prnt.sc/t5g5mh
  • Select the direct message option (or anything ) and presss continue :https://prnt.sc/t5g7mb
  • Now you have to choose your account and press continue :https://prnt.sc/t5g6th
  • Fill all details and make sure you have selected this:https://prnt.sc/t5g8f5 then it will look like this:https://prnt.sc/t5g90g . This is the message which is user going to recieve on slack.(you can edit before and after the  message)
  • Make sure you have been disabled this:https://prnt.sc/t5gdrz
  • After filling details you can test your message from here:https://prnt.sc/t5ga6i
  • After clicking test and review/continue user will get slack message. If he gets then your webhook is working
  • Now everything is done:https://prnt.sc/t5gceo


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