Vibe Stripe Payouts

Make payouts to your instructors via Stripe. Programmatically send payouts to your instructors using Stripe.  Make payouts to over 160 countries.

Requires : Stripe Connect account , Learn more :


  1. Pay commissions to Instructors with just 1 click
  2. Automatically schedule payouts every month
  3. Payouts recorded automatically with notifications / emails
  4. Payout graphs in commissions



  1. Install Vibe Earnings & Stripe Connect plugin.
  2. Ensure you have activated addon in vibebp – addons for automatic updates
  3. Configure Stripe Connect details
  4. Instructors will see option to connect their stripe details in Commissions , Vibe Earnings requires
  5. Instructor requests for payouts when above threshold limit.
  6. Payouts can be done by 1 click or periodically if automatic payouts enabled.
Excluding 18% tax
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