Continue course button not working

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  • #220116
    Hi team, I have a few issues that I your help on. To get some background, all new users are auto-assigned a free course which they need to take
    1. On mobile, while the student can see the course, on clicking the continue course button, the student get an error -  course cannot be taken, contact administrator - screenshot - . To replicate you can create a new account and try taking the test.
    2.  How can I get the multiple choice quiz answers marked by students in an excel or a similar document. - this is how i can currently see the marked answers, but for a large number of students, evaluating this way will be impossible. The test does not have a right answer but instead assigns a range on values based on the options you choose, so i cannot use auto-evaluate.
    1. on home page, on clicking the search button, the user needs to first click on the text box instead of directly typing. how can this be fixed?

    2. In the vibe product carousel, how can i change the sequence of products appearing. -

    3. Assignment upload not working. the test had a assignment in the first unit called CV upload, however student were unable to upload. on clicking on submit assignment a new tab opens where the student upload the doc, on clicking submit nothing happens. Consequently students are then also unable to progress in the course and the mark unit button is greyed out. I have currently removed the assignment from the course due to this, to test you can add it and see.

    4. how can the assignment be made optional? as in, student can choose to not submit the assignment and still move on to the next unit?

    Lastly do you offer any customization packages where you can touch-up the site in terms of UI and layout improvements for some charge? Thank you

    1: I am not getting any such error. I tried on my mobile also but it was fine at my end. Please tell me... Am I missing anything?


    You will have to write your correct answer comma(,) separated. like 23,24,25 2.1. Please check and confirm --- Are you using the latest theme and plugin. which is 3.9.4. 2.2. Here is the list of sorting, You can choose any of this. Refer: You can also use Or Enter Specific Post Ids (comma separated): write post_ids in it, 2.3. What is the issue in it? Look what I did: 2.4. Set this setting to No,  
    for customization, You can directly ask here or you can create a new topic. here is the link. Refer:    
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    1: Remember You have enabled a setting mark unit complete before accessing next unit. Add this CSS in your custom CSS. unit_prevnext a{     text-shadow:1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); } @media (max-width: 460px){     .course_content_panel .unit_wrap .unit_prevnext {     background: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.21); } }
    2.2. Go to edit course in backend and set order for your courses. Refer:
    2.4: Sorry sir currently it's not possible.
    For other issues, I will need some time to check. Thanks.  
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    Sorry, sir for the late reply. I already replied for some of your issues. you didn't confirm for those.
    I tried with your given credentials but its not working. Refer:
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    This reply has been marked as private.
    I checked from the given account. and it is showing you already submitted cv. Refer:
    Hi Mk, Yes it does, and now that I check the media library the files are visible. However when the student is submitting the doc, the page never returns a success message - like the one your screen rec had. Also when I got to the course as admin and check student submissions on that front end it is not visible. Pls check
    Otto Aquino
    Hi im trying to change the background color in a page, but is in a specific section of the page in a conteiner WP Edit, im using a Columns 1/2. Could you please tell me the right CSS that I have to use in Advance options? or how can I change it?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Hi @oraquino , please create your own topic :   hi @akshay6700, please share the assignment link , Also note here that assignments response are submitted as comments so please check if the comments are approved from wp-admin -> comment s.    
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