Every time I update this course-page Reviews disappear II

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  • #236071
    I added II to the title of this post because I already had this problem before and it was fixed thanks to a particular code provided by MK: https://wplms.io/support/forums/topic/every-time-i-update-this-course-page-reviews-disappear/ Please read that post to understand what exactly is my problem. The code provided by MK worked really well but then I had another completely different Issue which was: UNITS ARE PUBLIC IN PRIVATE LESSONS You can read about my other problem here: https://wplms.io/support/forums/topic/units-are-public-in-private-courses/ Although this time Mk did not really understand my problem, I talk to Mr Vibe and he kindly provided me with this code which fixed this second issue: if(class_exists('WPLMS_Customizer_Plugin_Class')) { // instantiate the plugin class $wplms_customizer = new WPLMS_Customizer_Plugin_Class(); } // units private add_action('template_redirect','merpixel_vibe_check_access_check',1); function merpixel_vibe_check_access_check(){   if(!is_singular(array('unit','question')) || !function_exists('vibe_validate')) return;   $flag=0; global $post; $free=get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'vibe_free',true); if(vibe_validate($free) || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && is_user_logged_in())){ $flag=0; return; }else $flag = 1; if(current_user_can('edit_posts')){ $flag=0; $instructor_privacy = vibe_get_option('instructor_content_privacy'); $user_id=get_current_user_id(); if(isset($instructor_privacy) && $instructor_privacy && !current_user_can('manage_options')){ if($user_id != $post->post_author) $flag=1; } } if($post->post_type == 'unit'){ $post_type = __('UNITS','vibe'); }else if($post->post_type == 'question'){ $post_type = __('QUESTIONS','vibe'); } $message = sprintf(__('DIRECT ACCESS TO %s IS NOT ALLOWED','vibe'),$post_type); $flag = apply_filters('wplms_direct_access_to'.$post->post_type,$flag,$post); if($flag){ wp_die($message,$message,array('back_link'=>true)); } }
    The problem is this new code was not compatible with the code to fix the first problem. And as the second problem was more important I just deleted the first code so now I have again the same first problem. Please I need to fix the first problem in some way that is compatible with the fix of the second problem. Could you please check it? Thank you very much
    I am sorry, I think I was adding the codes wrong, I have tried again and both of them worked. It's fixed now Thank you very much for your support.
    Thanks for confirming. I hope you wouldn't mind writing a detailed review about your experience with WPLMS and our customer support. Here: https://themeforest.net/item/wplms-learning-management-system/reviews/6780226 If I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me again. Closing this topic. Thanks and Regards
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