Fatal error messages

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  • #73406
    I am constantly (about 15% of the time I hit "enter") getting "Fatal Error" messages such as:   <p class="p1"><b>Fatal error</b>: Out of memory (allocated 22544384) (tried to allocate 12288 bytes) in <b>/home/mashauri/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-attachments.php</b> on line <b>173</b></p> <p class="p1">Although there are many variations of this. I have tried increasing the memory in the config file but it does not seem to make a difference.</p> <p class="p1">After I receive the message, if I reload it normally works.</p> <p class="p1"></p> <p class="p1"></p> <p class="p1"></p>
    H.K. Latiyan
    Well this is clearly a memory issue, so ask your webhost to increase the memory limit. The changes made in confiq file is just for the display purpose  but actually the memory doesn't increase, the changes related to the memory is done in php.ini file and the server needs to restart for reflecting the changes made in the php.ini file.  
    Thanks - I have passed this on to the server team. If you do not mind I will keep the thread open until it has been fixed in case they revert and say it is an WPLMS issue.
    Hi HK, i was worried that this was going to happen: me stuck between wplms support and my service provider. their response was <span style="color: #000000; font-family: UICTFontTextStyleTallBody; font-size: 17px;">"The memory that the site seems to be looking to use would be in excess of what a site is able to consume in a shared environment.</span><br style="color: #000000; font-family: UICTFontTextStyleTallBody; font-size: 17px;" /><br style="color: #000000; font-family: UICTFontTextStyleTallBody; font-size: 17px;" /><span style="color: #000000; font-family: UICTFontTextStyleTallBody; font-size: 17px;">Can you ask them to detail what memory limit they would expect for the script? If that is higher than what is possible in a shared environment, we can look at the other options we are able to offer which will likely be starting at a virtual or cloud server."</span> could you respond please -  and also let me know what is the range of  "normal memory" that wplms requires? Thanks Simon
    Sorry that paste seemed to add all the formatting code too (after i pressed "reply") but You should be able to see their response between the coding.  
    H.K. Latiyan
    Since the wplms is a buddypress theme and buddypress has performance issue in shared hosting therefore you may want to switch to VPS. Also refer the last point here for the hosting recommendation: https://themeforest.net/item/wplms-learning-management-system/6780226/support
    The link you sent me did not refer to the question asked re memory requirements. Could you check and resend please? You seem to be saying that wplms does not work on shared hosting and I must upgrade to a VPS?  Is that correct? I do not have deep technical knowledge, but is this (vps) the only solution? It is going to increase my costs substantially. (It would have been good if this had beeN mentioned in your promotional material)  
    H.K. Latiyan
    Not exactly. VPS is a possible solution but not the only solution. The main reason for VPS is that the hosting providers are not flexible when it comes to shared hosting, because for a VPS hosting provider will dedicate resources for shared hosting it is several sites using the same server resources and they will penalise the site using the maximum resources. BuddyPress is a resource intensive plugin and you will find several articles on internet regarding the hosting requirements, since BuddyPress is also scalable and built by the core wordpress team it is the most robust solution available. Also there are various switches provided to deactivate components in buddypress which would reduce the server load. The components can be managed from WP admin - settings -buddypress -components area. The only components required by wplms  are activity and xprofile.
    So what are the memory requirements of a full wplms system please? I need to contract for  ops but need to know at what level.
    HK - could you answer this (precvious query) please? I need to sort out this memory issue urgently. Thanks <span style="color: #4b4d4d; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px;">So what are the memory requirements of a full wplms system please? I need to contract for  ops but need to know at what level??</span>
    H.K. Latiyan
    We generally recommends 128mb of php memory for wplms.
    I have  just checked and the limit on my site is already at 128mb - but I am still getting these fatal errors. I have taken out a few plugins like slider revolution and visual composer. The site is still pretty light with almost no users and only a few courses. My service provider is suggesting that there may be something wrong with my site or I need more memory. Also asking what script is demanding so much memory. (I tried the query monitor plugin but have no idea what the output means - far above my tech level). Do you have any suggestions (please remember I am not a tech person when responding). Thank you.
    H.K. Latiyan
    Can you please share more details about the error ? Where are you getting the error ? And it is not possible that reloading fixes the memory error. Can you share WP admin credentials of your site to check this ? The details you've shared so far suggests that your server memory limit is 23mb which is less than 128 mb.   Note that when you make changes in the wp-config.php it only and only changes the "display" the actual memory limit is set by your server and wordpress can not do anything to change it. So please do not make any changes for the wp-config.php file for the memory.    
    Attached link to some of the fatal errors. I am getting the error sporadically - I can see no pattern but it happens about every 5th time I press enter" after eg saving a post or a page. But also when others are moving around te site eg one of my students got a fatal error when submitting an assignment - it is very frequent. If I reload after the error, the page normally then appears. I almost never get a second "fatal error" after I reload after the first fatal error. I have attached a page with a list of errors I received over a few hours. My service provider says that I do have 128mb allocated I will send this reply now (so that others who maybe following the thread can see it) and then send my login credentials on a private reply https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/62725948/Temp/Fatal%20errors2016-10-06%2015.43.53.png Thank you
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