Hi, I have some problems

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  • #176124
    1- I still can not find the color of the text here https://prntscr.com/ku44c7  it's not in ">wp-admin -> appearance -> customize -> body : http://prntscr.com/ks0069"   2- When you use h5p in Arabic everything is in the left hand side https://prntscr.com/ku42eq  While it should be on the right How can it be rtl   3- How we can use H5P from Front end in WPLMS 4- How can I update WPLMS to the latest version How do I know I have the latest version Knowing that I use the child theme
    1. Please paste this custom CSS in wp-admin > appearance > customize > cutom css and change the color code according to your requirement
    2. ul.create_course>li label{color:#ff0000 !important;}
    3. Thanks for reporting this. I need to check this on my test setup and will provide you a solution after that
    4. check this tip: https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/wplms-h5p-addon/
    5. In the curriculum section in frontend there is a button for h5p shortcode. Using this you can use h5p in frontend as well
    6. Check this new video to update wplms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aEMLpLD4lc
    7. If above one not works then please update the theme manually: https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/manually-updating-wplms/ Actually, the Envato API key is updated and that's why the theme update is not working as it should. You will not face any such issue in the next update but for now please follow the above method
    1- Please paste this custom CSS in wp-admin > appearance > customize > cutom css and change the color code according to your requirement
    This code works with this page only https://prntscr.com/kuqn26 while it does not work on other pages such as https://prntscr.com/kuqn15 2-
    Thanks for reporting this. I need to check this on my test setup and will provide you a solution after that
    I hope solve h5p rtl problem as soon as possible Because work is on hold 3-
    check this tip: https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/wplms-h5p-addon/ In the curriculum section in frontend there is a button for h5p shortcode. Using this you can use h5p in frontend as well</span>
    I know this  But this is only for inserting an existing </span>h5p I mean how you can create a new  from  Front end in WPLMS  because the teachers are not allowed to access the wordpress control panel 4-  Thanks for the update information it was successful   5- I have told you a while ago about a problem as in the picture https://prntscr.com/kmu4hj You promised to solve it after sending the login information and I sent it to you but the problem exists so far 6- I have already told you about a problem with the buttons where it does not appear as in the picture https://prntscr.com/kuqry0 And promised to solve it in the new update, But the problem exists after update 7 - A final question in forums How an administrator can designate a particular member as a writer for a topic in the forum
    @arabic4allworld There are a lot of issues you reported in a single topic. Here are the detailed answers Custom CSS not working on edit course: Please share your site URL with admin credentials to check this issue in a private reply here. H5P RTL issue: This part is coming from H5P Plugin and you have to report this issue to the Plugin author. This Plugin is not created by us. H5P Shortcode: No you cannot create the shortcode in the frontend For 5 & 6. Need credentials Forum Role: It totally depends on the forum role of the user refer: http://prntscr.com/kveh1j
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    This reply has been marked as private.
    Thank you very much Everything is perfect now Only the H5P code I paste it in <span style="background-color: #e8e8e8; color: #4b4d4d; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px;">Appearance > Customize > Custom CSS</span> But the questions are on the left side as well I hope you help me with another code that solves this problem Only I want to display questions on the right side (rtl) I repeat my sincere thanks to you  
    Anshuman Sahu
    Pleas try to add this script in your wp-admin -> wplms -> footer -> google anaylitics script : https://gist.github.com/alexvibealex/0e331d98576989092bb0bd171b4d78f8
    Thank you Alex But unfortunately I put it in that place but it does not work The text appears on the left as well
    Anshuman Sahu
    Unable to login and check with the credentials given above : http://prntscr.com/kx2nbj  please share them again .
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    Anshuman Sahu
    Please provide some time to check this .
    Is there anything new about RTL Problem ? Anothr thing: I am trying to create a new Course but yhe Course-related lessons do not appear on the left as usual in other courses https://prntscr.com/l1nul1 How do I solve this problem? Thanks for your cooperation
    @arabic4allworld This is not an issue right now. Can you please share this course Link here in a private reply and the admin credentials also
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