How can I reduce the steps to take quiz?

Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries How-to & Troubleshooting How can I reduce the steps to take quiz?

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  • #1443
    Is there a way to reduce the number of steps that a student needs to click in order to take the test. Once they click on "Take Quiz", can they go directly to the test/quiz page. It just seems redundant actions in order to take the test. Thanks
    I'd like to know this too if you find an answer.
    Anshuman Sahu
    For the quizzes in the course please try the in course quiz feature by enabling it from the wp-admin -> Lms ->  settings . This would allow the quizzes to appear inside the course on course status page . The single quiz page was created for the standalone quizzes in wplms .
    Thanks @alex. This is linked to the thread at If that is unchecked it seems to add another superfluous step so it does not really reduce the number of steps. IJ
    Hi Alex, yes, I have those checked in the settings but I'm still getting 2 action/button to take quiz and then a window popup to confirm ..... Why so many?
    Anshuman Sahu

    Course Page > Course start page (default - Course Status) > Quiz page > Prompt > Question

    The prompt is a confirmation, not a step.

    I am sure that if we remove this there will be a lot of queries to add it.

    Unfortunately this can not be done as of now.

    Yes it can be translated :

    These texts are in vibe course module plugin .
    Please refer :

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