How to hide tabs in courses

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  • #10600
    Hello! Could you please help me with some questions: -How can I hide the "Members" tab inside a course page? -How can I hide the "Students"count and rating also in a course page? To be more specific I have attached some images.
    For the one on the left, you can add CSS to hide it. Add this to your "Custom CSS" section in Appearance -> Customize.
    #buddypress .students_undertaking{
    For the other one, you'd have to most likely use PHP to unset that list item from being generated.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Thanks there externaluses . To hide the membrs : To hide Course reviews  add the given css from wp-admin -> appearance -> customize -> custom css : #buddypress .course_reviews { margin: 60px 0; display: none; }  
    Thanks for the answer! Alex, sorry for the rookie questions, but where exactly do I find the wplms-customizer.php file to hide the members? Is there any documentation with all the codes (most used ones) we can refer to? Best,  
    Anshuman Sahu
    You can find this file from wp-admin -> plugins -> editor . Select wplms customizer plugin to edit . After the page is loaded the file will appear in a text editor to you add the code before ?> at the end . refer :
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